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Illustrations for Mezo, the board game. An innovative game of area control, conflict, and Mayan mythology designed by John Clowdus and designed by Kolossal Games.

Core box art of Mezo.

Core box art of Mezo.

Expansion box art for Mezo: Souls for Xibalba

Expansion box art for Mezo: Souls for Xibalba

Ahau-Kin, one of the 12 Mayan Gods and Goddesses illustrated for Mezo.

Ahau-Kin, one of the 12 Mayan Gods and Goddesses illustrated for Mezo.

Chaac, one of the 12 Mayan Gods and Goddesses illustrated for Mezo.

Chaac, one of the 12 Mayan Gods and Goddesses illustrated for Mezo.

Kukulkan, one of the 12 Mayan Gods and Goddesses illustrated for Mezo.

Kukulkan, one of the 12 Mayan Gods and Goddesses illustrated for Mezo.

Uayeb, the sexy snail god of misfortune. One of the 12 Mayan Gods and Goddesses illustrated for Mezo.

Uayeb, the sexy snail god of misfortune. One of the 12 Mayan Gods and Goddesses illustrated for Mezo.

Au-Puch, one of the Mayan Death Gods illustrated for Mezo.

Au-Puch, one of the Mayan Death Gods illustrated for Mezo.

Etznab, one of the more creepier Mayan Death Gods illustrated for Mezo.

Etznab, one of the more creepier Mayan Death Gods illustrated for Mezo.

Xolotl is technically Aztec but the pantheon of these Mezoamerican mythologies tend to borrow and influence each other.

Xolotl is technically Aztec but the pantheon of these Mezoamerican mythologies tend to borrow and influence each other.